Thursday, May 27, 2010

The First Topic: A Lonely Nerd

A blog.
A Freaking Blog.
...Ok so I made a blog, big deal. It's going on midnight, I'm kinda tired, and going through a minor wave of depression right now. I feel like doing something dammit.
Sooooo about me I guess. Well, I'm an amateur writer, which means I like writing stories and to hell with paying for college to teach me how to do it. Funnily enough, my love of stories is kinda why I'm here right now, apart from the previous excuses I was so graciously doling out.
AND I AM A NERD!! (can I get an 'amen!' ?), by the gods and goddesses I am a nerd. D&D, WoW, Star Wars and Star Trek, you name it and I've at least heard of it. I live in a basement (but that's soon to change ;D) and have no girlfriend (strangely, the two current causes of my minor wave of depression...this is gonna be a night of weird coincidences isn't it :\ ) and a job that pays less than crap.

I got good friends, good beer, and good internet to use, so I suppose that's at least some of the major things in life taken care of. So, I bet you, the reader who is for some reason reading some random guy's totally out of the blue blog with a weird name, are asking yourself this; What's the sauce of this particular topic post?

And I answer you, my good reader, thusly: I've noticed some people not having some good times recently. Hell, I can attest to that, as this blogs' very creation comes out of me having an attack of bad times. To those people, I can only offer this blog, and myself. Believe me when I say that tomorrow, I'm going to wake up feeling a lot better than I do now, and you probably will too. If you don't, then maybe the day after. If not then, you gotta be more sociable and get your mind off things.